All-in-One Cloud Based
Hospitality Software

Built with LOVE for small hotels and hostels
Take care of your guests, let us take care of your operations


Latest Technologies

KloudHotel is built with latest technologies available to ensure security and performance - Latest Stable Codeigniter and VueJS

Handy User Interface

Here at KloudHotel, we strictly care about your time consuming. Thus, KloudHotel UI is very handy and easy to use.

Continuous Improvement

We live in a high-end technological era, yet it does not stop here, so does KloudHotel.

You are growing big? KloudHotel will SMOOTHLY go with you.

SME hospitality sector has been difficult in various ways - One thing is technology challenge. With our All-in-One software, you are able to promptly manage or monitor business trends, operations, staffs, revenues, expenses and more. Your data is securely and separately stored only for you, so you are able to grow timely and conveniently.

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KloudHotel Features

KloudHotel provides enough features for hospitality enterprises to operate their business activities within one single software.

Pricing Plans

We have very budgetable plans for any sizes of your properties.

You have lower budget? No worry, let's have a talk!

Email us or call us +85592220006

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Our team is working 24/7 to support our customers.

Call us at 092 220 006